Valeria Bonacci

Journalist since 2015, expert in digital PR, media relations and web content, Valeria takes care of the press office of several national and international entities. She collaborates with Italian cultural webzines, including Il Giornale OFF, Touring magazine, Il Quotidiano del Sud - L'Altravoce dell'Italia, in which she covers territory, culture, theater, music, cinema and literature. Since January 2019 he has been the Vice President of GiSpe (Journalists in the Entertainment Industry).

There are stories that are lost in time. Sometimes, these forgotten stories are those of women and men who, in their lives, left a profound mark on the progress of society and, despite this, due to the passage of years are no longer adequately known. In such cases, it is a duty to ensure that these stories are rediscovered by the general public. On...